City of Bethel

The City of Bethel includes a diverse collection of services and programs that help ensure City government is effective, accountable and inclusive. We collaborate with organizations and other partners to align City work with City Council direction and community values; support elected and appointed officials; and promote an informed public. 

Learn more at

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Lifesavers Endowment

The Lifesavers Endowment was created to raise funds for a fitness center and swimming pool for the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. The Lifesavers volunteers continue to sponsor healthy activities for families and support youth through the creation of positive mentorships. Learn more about the Lifesavers on our History page.


Bethel Community Services Foundation

Bethel Community Services Foundation is dedicated to the development, growth, continuance and enhancement of community based programs and services. In partnership with other communal institutions, foundations, restricted and unrestricted philanthropic donors, it seeks to support effective community growth and development. Visit us at



Kuimarvik is a Yup’ik word that means “A Place to Swim”. Kuimarvik is a grassroots, local organization based in Bethel, Alaska that was incorporated as a nonprofit organization in 2012 and developed hand-in-hand with the Yukon Kuskokwim Fitness Center.

Kuimarvik was created for the sole purpose of ensuring the construction and sustainability of a community pool for the YK Delta. Board members include leaders of various local and regional agencies, as well as community members filling designated seats for the public. The Kuimarvik organization was highly involved with YKFC project during the course of prioritizing a swimming pool for capital funding, securing funding that was directed to the City, and remained involved during design, construction and operation phases- including serving as a committee for the City of Bethel until the Parks, Recreation and Aquatic Center committee was formed in late 2015.  At this time, Kuimarvik remains an active nonprofit responsive to fitness center needs as they are identified.